Home Lab Backups

For as long as I can remember I’ve always been really paranoid about losing data. When Windows XP was brand-spanking new it was having two hard drives in my PC; in college I cobbled together a RAID system from an old Intel 3 tower and now it’s pushing files to dedicated NAS hardware or in the cloud. I’m also sort of lazy; at least about re-doing work I’ve already done before. While Git repositories work great for my coding projects there are a lot of other things that need redundancy as well. With that in mind I’ll highlight a few things I do to try make sure I can recover systems when I need to.

There are hundreds of different ways you could set this kind of thing up but this is what works for me. If you just want the list of software jump right to the links.

7 min read

First Post

First posts to a blog are always kind of pointless so I’ll keep this one short and quick. GitHub provides a way to quickly deploy a personal blog site so I thought I’d take advantage of it. Mostly I want to play around the Jekyll as I’ve never had a chance to do that before. Almost secondary I wanted a place to document some random thoughts related to various GitHub projects that I either own or contribute to. Having a space to explain certain design decisions, discussions had, or just code I find interesting would be helpful so I thought this would be a good place to do that.

As of this post my skills with Jekyll are pretty limited so expect the design and navigation on this site to pretty horrible for a while. I’m definitely not a designer so form is secondary to function for sure. As I find ways to make it better I’ll see if I can at least make this useable for the average person.

~1 min read