Rob Weber
Rob Weber
~1 min read


  • random

First posts to a blog are always kind of pointless so I’ll keep this one short and quick. GitHub provides a way to quickly deploy a personal blog site so I thought I’d take advantage of it. Mostly I want to play around the Jekyll as I’ve never had a chance to do that before. Almost secondary I wanted a place to document some random thoughts related to various GitHub projects that I either own or contribute to. Having a space to explain certain design decisions, discussions had, or just code I find interesting would be helpful so I thought this would be a good place to do that.

As of this post my skills with Jekyll are pretty limited so expect the design and navigation on this site to pretty horrible for a while. I’m definitely not a designer so form is secondary to function for sure. As I find ways to make it better I’ll see if I can at least make this useable for the average person.